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/ The Magic of Interactive Entertainment / The Magic of Interactive Entertainment - Disc 1.iso / windemos / spectre

Jump To: Directory (4)  |  Archive (27)  |  Text (1)  |  Other (3)

Directories (4)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
data43   movies5   sounds117

Archives (27)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
basic._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 4KB 1994-10-01
central._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 15KB 1994-10-01
central._01 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 2KB 1994-10-01
central._02 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 16KB 1994-10-01
central._03 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 14KB 1994-10-01
central._04 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 3KB 1994-10-01
cybermn._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 725b 1994-10-01
demo._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 16KB 1994-10-01
edi3d.bin Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 11KB 1994-05-28
install.bin Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 56KB 1994-09-21
qcmc._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 29KB 1994-10-01
qtcvid._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 43KB 1994-10-01
qtim._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 90KB 1994-10-01
qtimcmgr._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 8KB 1994-10-01
qtjpeg._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 13KB 1994-10-01
qtnotify._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 3KB 1994-10-01
qtraw._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 4KB 1994-10-01
qtrle._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 23KB 1994-10-01
qtrpza._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 36KB 1994-10-01
qtrt21._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 16KB 1994-10-01
qtsmc._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 36KB 1994-10-01
qtvhdw._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 6KB 1994-10-01
readme._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 705b 1994-10-01
spectrvr._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 213b 1994-10-01
windemo._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 125KB 1994-10-01
winicon._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 3KB 1994-10-01
winpic._00 Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 15KB 1994-10-01

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
readme.txt Text File 27 1KB 1994-03-11

Other Files (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
extract.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1994-05-29
install.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 14KB 1994-05-28
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
install.inf Unknown 3KB 1994-10-02